Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Date/Time Functions

Function Description
CDate Converts a valid date and time expression to
the variant of subtype Date
Date Returns the current system date
DateAdd Returns a date to which a specified time
interval has been added
DateDiff Returns the number of intervals between two
DatePart Returns the specified part of a given
DateSerial Returns the date for a specified year, month,
and day
DateValue Returns a date
Day Returns a number that represents the day of the
month (between 1 and 31, inclusive)
FormatDateTime Returns an expression formatted as a date or
Hour Returns a number that represents the hour of
the day (between 0 and 23, inclusive)
IsDate Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the
evaluated expression can be converted to a date
Minute Returns a number that represents the minute of
the hour (between 0 and 59, inclusive)
Month Returns a number that represents the month of
the year (between 1 and 12, inclusive)
MonthName Returns the name of a specified month
Now Returns the current system date and time
Second Returns a number that represents the second of
the minute (between 0 and 59, inclusive)
Time Returns the current system time
Timer Returns the number of seconds since 12:00
TimeSerial Returns the time for a specific hour, minute,
and second
TimeValue Returns a time
Weekday Returns a number that represents the day of the
week (between 1 and 7, inclusive)
WeekdayName Returns the weekday name of a specified day of
the week
Year Returns a number that represents the

Conversion Functions

Function Description
Asc Converts the first letter in a string to ANSI
CBool Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CByte Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CCur Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CDate Converts a valid date and time expression to
the variant of subtype Date
CDbl Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
Chr Converts the specified ANSI code to a
CInt Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CLng Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CSng Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
CStr Converts an expression to a variant of subtype
Hex Returns the hexadecimal value of a specified
Oct Returns the octal value of a specified

Format Functions

Function Description
FormatCurrency Returns an expression formatted as a currency
FormatDateTime Returns an expression formatted as a date or
FormatNumber Returns an expression formatted as a
FormatPercent Returns an expression formatted as a

Math Functions

Function Description
Abs Returns the absolute value of a specified
Atn Returns the arctangent of a specified
Cos Returns the cosine of a specified number
Exp Returns e raised to a power
Hex Returns the hexadecimal value of a specified
Int Returns the integer part of a specified
Fix Returns the integer part of a specified
Log Returns the natural logarithm of a specified
Oct Returns the octal value of a specified
Rnd Returns a random number less than 1 but greater
or equal to 0
Sgn Returns an integer that indicates the sign of a
specified number
Sin Returns the sine of a specified number
Sqr Returns the square root of a specified
Tan Returns the tangent of a specified number

Array Functions

Function Description
Array Returns a variant containing an array
Filter Returns a zero-based array that contains a
subset of a string array based on a filter criteria
IsArray Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
a specified variable is an array
Join Returns a string that consists of a number of
substrings in an array
LBound Returns the smallest subscript for the
indicated dimension of an array
Split Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array
that contains a specified number of substrings
UBound Returns the largest subscript for the indicated
dimension of an array

String Functions

Function Description
InStr Returns the position of the first occurrence of
one string within another. The search begins at the first
character of the string
InStrRev Returns the position of the first occurrence of
one string within another. The search begins at the last
character of the string
LCase Converts a specified string to lowercase
Left Returns a specified number of characters from
the left side of a string
Len Returns the number of characters in a
LTrim Removes spaces on the left side of a
RTrim Removes spaces on the right side of a
Trim Removes spaces on both the left and the right
side of a string
Mid Returns a specified number of characters from a
Replace Replaces a specified part of a string with
another string a specified number of times
Right Returns a specified number of characters from
the right side of a string
Space Returns a string that consists of a specified
number of spaces
StrComp Compares two strings and returns a value that
represents the result of the comparison
String Returns a string that contains a repeating
character of a specified length
StrReverse Reverses a string
UCase Converts a specified string to

Other Functions

Function Description
CreateObject Creates an object of a specified type
Eval Evaluates an expression and returns the
GetLocale Returns the current locale ID
GetObject Returns a reference to an automation object
from a file
GetRef Allows you to connect a VBScript procedure to a
DHTML event on your pages
InputBox Displays a dialog box, where the user can write
some input and/or click on a button, and returns the
IsEmpty Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
a specified variable has been initialized or not
IsNull Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
a specified expression contains no valid data (Null)
IsNumeric Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
a specified expression can be evaluated as a number
IsObject Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
the specified expression is an automation object
LoadPicture Returns a picture object. Available only on
32-bit platforms
MsgBox Displays a message box, waits for the user to
click a button, and returns a value that indicates which
button the user clicked
RGB Returns a number that represents an RGB color
Round Rounds a number
ScriptEngine Returns the scripting language in use
ScriptEngineBuildVersion Returns the build version number of the
scripting engine in use
ScriptEngineMajorVersion Returns the major version number of the
scripting engine in use
ScriptEngineMinorVersion Returns the minor version number of the
scripting engine in use
SetLocale Sets the locale ID and returns the previous
locale ID
TypeName Returns the subtype of a specified
VarType Returns a value that indicates the subtype of a
specified variable

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