Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Crop all images from folder

 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DirectoryInfo Dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\brodatz_database\");
            string newDir = @"C:\Documents and Settings\\Desktop\brodatz_database\new\";
            FileInfo[] FileList = Dir.GetFiles("*.GIF", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            int i = 0;
            foreach (FileInfo FI in FileList)
                Bitmap b = new Bitmap(FI.FullName);
                string path = newDir + @"\" + i.ToString();
                string cale = path +"\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF","") + "_1.jpg";
                cropImage(b,new Rectangle(0,0,b.Width/3,b.Height/3),cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_2.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(0, b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_3.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(0, 2*b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);

                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_4.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(b.Width / 3, 0, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_5.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_6.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(b.Width / 3, 2 * b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);

                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_7.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(2*b.Width / 3, 0, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_8.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(2*b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);
                cale = path + "\\" + FI.Name.Replace(".GIF", "") + "_9.jpg";
                cropImage(b, new Rectangle(2*b.Width / 3, 2 * b.Height / 3, b.Width / 3, b.Height / 3), cale);


        private void cropImage(Image img, Rectangle cropArea, string cale)
            Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap(img);
            Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone(cropArea,
            bmpCrop.Save(cale, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

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